With a global view of the process
we know every piece of the title insurance puzzle.
Terra Abstract has been in the business of protecting property ownership rights for over 20 years. We continually invest in the education of our teams, applying our extensive industry knowledge across a multi-state footprint. We are trained to effectively and efficiently manage any title matter and to think outside the box to create solutions that might arise as part of the title transfer process.

Terra Abstract was founded in 1995 by Attorneys with the primary goal of providing reliable, reputable and “down to earth” title, search and settlement services beyond the traditional legal services offered by a law firm.
In addition to our years of experience in all phases of the settlement process, from the initial title work to the closing, our principals are also experienced attorneys in handling legal issues that may arise during the settlement and title transfer process. Together with support from our underwriters, if any issue becomes a legal problem, we are uniquely able to obtain immediate guidance through our principals.
Terra Abstract offers title, search and settlement services throughout its ten eastern and southern states of service as well as the District of Columbia.
Terra Abstract provides search & abstract services, and title insurance in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina, and the District of Columbia.

Terra Abstract specializes in corporate partnerships, back office closing operations, and offers retail & commercial title services to our real estate professional partners.
The closing process starts when the contract is signed and includes the review and identification of any title issues, as well as, clearing those issues in order to allow the transaction to proceed to settlement. Bringing the parties to the closing table as smoothly as possible with full understanding of the process is one of the core goals of Terra. We understand that issues about title do arise and need to be addressed. Our immediate access to in house legal advice and direction when there are problems with the title to a property is one of the primary drivers of our success rate. We have been able to close transactions where other title companies were simply not equipped to do so.

We’re OPEN & We’re Here for YOU!
A deed is a deed. Right?
Are Clouds on Title Stressing You Out?
The Wedding is Over. Now What?